Reserva Las Torres reinforces the management of oil waste - Reserva Las Torres

Reserva Las Torres reinforces the management of oil waste

 This milestone plan, certified by ISCC, positions Las Torres as the first company in Patagonia to pilot these efforts in Torres del Paine. 

Torres del Paine, August 14, 2023: The commitment to sustainability at Las Torres Reserve continues to progress in each of its service stages. Aware of the harm caused by improper disposal of oils, a joint strategy with CirKular Austral has been developed to address the responsible and sustainable disposal of oil liquids.

CirKular Austral is a company specializing in the collection, transportation, and final disposal of used vegetable oils from hotels, restaurants, and casinos. Their work contributes to preventing these oils from contaminating the natural environment and becoming harmful agents.

In this way, all food preparation facilities at Las Torres Reserve will have a special system for storing and collecting used oils, allowing for reuse as biofuels.

With this new initiative, Las Torres Reserve remains the first and only company in Torres del Paine to have this type of program, validated by the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), a globally applicable sustainability certification system covering all sustainable raw materials, including agricultural and forestry biomass, circular and biological materials, and renewable energies.

Our Sustainability manager together with a representative of the CirKular Austral company.
Our Sustainability manager together with a representative of the CirKular Austral company.

John Ojeda, Sustainability Manager at Las Torres Reserve, emphasized the importance of this measure and stated, “This action will enable the conversion of oil waste into aviation biofuels, demonstrating the positive impact that cooperation and environmental awareness can generate on a large scale.” He further added, “We hope that more companies and community members will join the commitment to responsible waste management, so that we can all coexist within a circular economy system.”

Recent data reveals that around 184,000 liters of oil are consumed annually in Chile, and only 1% of this total is properly recycled. These are concerning figures considering that one liter of oil can contaminate more than 1,000 liters of drinking water.

With the collaboration of CirKular Austral and other initiatives driven by Las Torres Reserve, we hope to continue progressing towards a more sustainable and responsible world regarding our waste.

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