Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants - Reserva Las Torres

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Las Torres Patagonia’s First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Out of the five selected finalists, one of them will have the chance to win a three-day, two-night stay for two people at Hotel Las Torres Patagonia.

Torres del Paine, September 1, 2023: Hotel Las Torres Patagonia is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its photography contest: “One Photo – A Thousand Memories, 2023,” an event that had its inaugural edition as part of this year’s International Photography Day celebration. The competition drew the participation of 516 amateur and professional photographers from various parts of the world who shared their unique perspectives on the Patagonian region’s majesty through their lenses.

Over the past few days, a panel of photography experts and representatives from Hotel Las Torres Patagonia has been working to evaluate each of the 500+ submissions. This process will move into its second stage with the selection of five finalists. The evaluation team has taken factors, such as composition, originality, use of light, and emotional impact, into account when choosing the qualified photographs.

The winner of this edition will receive a three-day, two-night stay for two people at the hotel. The winner will be announced on Friday, September 8, 2023 and should remain attentive for contact from the Las Torres Patagonia staff.

The contest’s organizing team, in the meantime, wishes to introduce the five finalists to the community:

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Juan Pablo Cabello (@mountain_banger)

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Alex Spencer Arellano (@alex.spncr)

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Daniel Tischer (@southtraveler)

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Francisca Bitsch Vukasović (@franciscabv)

Las Torres Patagonia's First Photography Contest Closes with Over 500 Participants

Arianna Rosso (@ariannarosso.foto)

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